Isabelle & Lucy Ch. 01

Isabelle Lystine sat at a small table alone, nestled in a back corner of a small coffee shop, her fingers fluttering quickly over the keyboard of her laptop. She'd always heard that, in case of writer's block or lack of inspiration, a coffee shop was a good place to go. Quiet, warm lights, and the sweet aroma of brewing coffee was supposed to loosen the imagination and help get those creative juices flowing... right?

"Dammit!" Isabelle exclaimed, frustrated. "This place isn't helping at all!" She closed her computer and put her head in her hands, her dark red hair falling to cover her face. She looked up at the sound of footsteps to see one of the baristas coming her way with an iced coffee and almond croissant in either hand. Isabelle picked up her laptop and pushed it into her bag before reaching out to take what she'd ordered.

"Order for Isabelle?" The woman said as she approached.

"Thank you, miss," she said, setting the items on the table in front of her.

"You seem a little... frustrated," the barista said. "Any way I can help?" The young woman smiled brightly, folding her hands in front of her as she looked at Isabelle. She was pretty, the same way that most baristas seemed to be pretty. Isabelle always thought that being pretty must be in the job description, which was why she never applied to be one.

She sighed. "Yes fine, thank you. I've just got a bit of writer's block. I came here because I heard that places like this were supposed to help, but it doesn't seem to be working." She popped open her straw as she spoked and pushed it into her coffee, taking a long sip after she finished her sentence. The coffee here was very good, she realized.

"Oh I'm sorry. I completely understand that. I'm actually a bit of a writer myself so I've been there many times."

"How did you get through your block? I've been stuck for about a week now and I just can't figured out where to go in my story from here. How'd you get through?"

"Well, for me at least, it always seemed to help when meeting and talking to new people. After I met someone new, my outlook on things always seemed to change a bit and that always pushed me through my writer's block.

I made a small noise of understanding as I took another sip of my coffee. It was silent for a moment or two before the barista spoke again.

"I'll tell you what. I get off in about ten minutes if you'd like to talk. I've only just moved here about a month ago, so I don't have many friends yet. It'll be nice to make a new one. Only if you want of course." I smiled up at her, thinking about it. I really wasn't much of a people person, but what the hell?

"Yeah sure, thanks. I'll be here waiting then." The barista smiled widely and nodded.

"Awesome. I'll be back soon then." She turned on her heel and began to walk back towards the main counter.

"Hey wait," I call after her. "Um, I don't think i got your name."

She turned back and smiled. " Lucy."

About fifteen minutes later, Isabelle had finished her coffee and croissant, and was back on her computer. She had put aside her story for the time being and was scrolling through social media, looking at recently posted pictures of friends and family. Then she heard footsteps coming toward her again so she closed her laptop and put it back into her bag. She turned to see Lucy heading her way with a smile on her face. She had taken off the apron she'd been wearing before so now Isabelle could see what Lucy was wearing. She wore tight black leggings with a black blouse with the shoulders open lined with white trimming. The thing that really drew Isabelle's attention though was how low the blouse dipped, showing a generous amount of cleavage. Isabelle quickly looked away, her cheeks slightly pinkas she heard the chair in front of her pulled back. She looked up and saw Lucy sitting in front of her, a smile still on her face.

"Hi again," Isabelle said.

"Hi. As I said before,my name's Lucy. It's really nice to meet you." She held her hand out and I took it, shaking it, finding her hand to be tremendously soft.

"It's nice to meet you too, Lucy. So how long have you been living here? I know you mentioned earlier that you haven't been around very long."

"Yeah. I've only been here for about 7 months. I've been staying with my sister and her roommate only a couple miles down the road from here. How about you?" Isabelle knew of the apartment complex Lucy was talking about. An old friend of hers used to live there years ago. The apartments there were notoriously expensive and very lavish. You could hardly call them apartments, they were a step down from a villa! The apartments themselves were as large as a house, they came completely furnished with brand new furniture, and you could even be supplied with a personal cleaner for an additional price. Meanwhile, Isabelle had trouble paying for her tiny, one bedroom apartment.

"I've lived here pretty much my whole life. I went to school here, I'm going to the community college here, and I have my own apartment about ten minutes from here. It's very small, but it's cozy." She finished with a laugh.

"I'd like to see it sometime," Lucy said, her cheeks growing a bit red. "If you'd like that, at least. This caught Isabelle a little off guard. Isabelle hadn't had anyone over since her last breakup. It was definitely a mess, but the idea of having this beautiful girl in her apartment excited and made her nervous all at once. Isabelle looked down for a second and then looked back at Lucy, catching her eye. She had very deep blue eyes that accented her black hair well. She swallowed hard and nodded.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind that. As a matter of fact, I'm not doing much else for the rest of the day if youd like to go now." Isabelle wasn't completely sure why she'd offered it so soon, but it was already done. She'd already made the offer.

"Oh well, if you really don't mind, I'd love to. But I didn't bring my car to work. I usually walk since it's not far to my apartment."

"Oh no problem. We can ride together." With that, the wto women stood up and left the coffee shop, Isabelle pulling her car keys from her bag and unlocking her car.

The ride home was uneventful and very quiet, with the exception of the radio. But she also couldn't stop herself from taking small glances at Lucy every chance she got. She found it very hard not to look at her actually. Lucy had smooth pale skin and full pink lips which were parted slightly in the middle. She also couldn't stop herself from getting lost in the deep blue of her eyes. Images of Isabelle running her fingers through Lucy's dark hair as her breath tickled Lucy's neck flashed in Isabelle's mind suddenly, and she felt herself grow wet between her legs. She shook the images out of her head and focused on the road.

"You okay?" Lucy asked, her soft voice cutting through Isabelle like a knife.

"Oh yeah, I"m fine. I just had a sudden cold run through me. Nothing to worry about." She made the turn into her apartment complex, pulling into a parking spot, and getting out of the car.

"Here we are," she said. "It's not much, but-"

"It's nice," Lucy interrupted. "I like it." Isabelle smiled at this and lead the way into the apartment. It was a very small apartment, having only enough room for a bed, couch, a few tables, a large TV, a bathroom, and a kitchen. You could take ten large steps from one wall of the apartment to the other and that was it. Isabelle sat her stuff behind the couch and sat on her bed, taking off her earrings and setting them on the night stand beside her, then looked at Lucy.

"Oh, feel free to sit wherever you'd like." Lucy approached the bed and sat next to her, holding her hands in her lap.

"You were right, it is very cozy in here. I definitely like it a lot better than my sister's place. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that she's letting me stay with her until I can get my own place, but I've never liked large places like that. Too much space, you know what I mean? I'd much rather live somewhere like this."

"Well thank you. Sorry about the mess. I haven't had anyone over since... well, since my break up.

Lucy looked at me then. "Breakup?"

Isabelle blushed. "Yeah about three months ago, my girlfriend and I got into a really bad fight and I broke up with her. I moved out of the apartment we were sharing and moved in here. I haven't really been the social type since then. The whole thing just kind of sucked the life out of me."

"Oh damn, I'm sorry. That must've been terrible for you. I'll be honest, I've never been the dating type. My family never really let my sister and I date, and since I've moved here I just haven't really had the time to find a partner."

Isabelle smiled. "I guess we're both in the same boat, huh?" It was quiet for a long time after that, both of them just sitting there, lost in their own pasts. Then, Lucy looked at Isabelle and kissed her on the lips. The sudden feeling of someone's lips on hers was shocking to Isabelle. She wasn't really sure what to do or what to think, but her body definitely knew what to think. ONce again, she could feel herself grow wet between her legs and her nipples grow hard. When Lucy backed up, Isabelle looked at her.

"W- What was that for?" she asked, not unkindly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I've just been seeing the way you've looked at me today. At the coffee shop, in the car, and here. The way your cheeks have gotten red and the way you looked away from me to act like you weren't looking at me. I thought you wouldn't mind."

"Oh I don't mind at all. It was just unexpected. But I wouldn't mind.... Doing it again. If you wanted to, of course." Lucy smiled sheepishly and leaned in again. Isabelle met her lips and they kissed a bit more passionately this time. Isabelle let her hands come up and find Lucy's hair, making her think back to the thoughts and images that she'd had in the car. She moved her lips away from Lucy's and began trailing kisses from her lips down to her neck. She kissed Lucy's neck gently, letting her hands rest on Luc'y hips as she felt Lucy's hands raise up and move into Isabelle's hair.

"Don't stop," Lucy moaned. "Oh please don't stop." Isabelle didn't stop. She began gently sucking on Lucy's neck, running her hand up Lucy's shirt to feel the smooth, cool skin of her stomach. Lucy slowly fell back onto Isabelle's bed, Isabelle falling with her. Then she began to move her hand downward as she heard a sharp intake of breath from Lucy.

"Isabelle, wait! There's something I have to..." But Isabelle had felt it. She had gone down far enough to feel a hard object pushing and pulsating against her leggings. Isabelle was so focused on what she was doing with Lucys neck that she hadn't even noticed the large bulge swelling against the front of Lucy's leggings."


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