Sandals Only

Wheel of Fortune is one of the longest running and most popular game shows on television. The host, Pat Sajak, and his lovely co-host, Vanna White, have been with the show since its inception and display a great chemistry which adds to the show's popularity.

Among the prizes and cash awarded during the show are trips to exotic locales. The names of these destinations are usually recognizable but occasionally a newer resort with an unfamiliar name is the prize. These new vacation destinations probably pay as a sponsor of the show or provide the vacation to increase its exposure on this popular show. In many instances, names may change as new resort owners enter the business.

Sandals is a very popular resort with many locations throughout the Caribbean. In recent years Sandals had acquired a private island and developed a beautiful resort that had a period of great popularity but had recently fallen out of favor with travelers. Sandals offered a spectacular package to Wheel of Fortune to boost its image.

Lori was an avid Wheel fan. She and her husband, Michael, had developed a routine that included dinner, the evening news and Wheel most every weeknight. Lori's regular viewing had contributed to a remarkable ability to solve the puzzles regardless of the subject. Michael urged her to attempt to participate on the show and offered to vacation in California if and when she might be chosen. Michael and Lori's two daughters added their encouragement hoping to tag along for the vacation. Annie, 21, and her older sister Megan, 23, had recently finished college and graduate school, respectively. They both lived at home as they considered job opportunities, but neither was anxious to enter the work-a-day world immediately.

After several attempts, Lori was finally chosen to be a contestant on Wheel. Michael planned the trip to California and he, Megan and Annie were in the audience as Lori deftly chose letters and solved puzzle after puzzle virtually annihilating the other two contestants. Along with the $70,000 in cash, Lori won an automobile in the bonus round and a vacation to Sandals private island resort.

As the family celebrated Lori's success as the show's taping concluded, Pat told them that he and Vanna would join them on the Sandals trip since this was a new sponsor. Michael had always been attracted to Vanna and was thrilled that she might be along for the trip.

Michael set about negotiating a discounted price for Annie and Megan to join them a well. After numerous communications with Pat Sajak's office, the dates were set and Michael and Lori told the girls that they were coming along. Both girls set about planning their wardrobe for the vacation including bikinis to accentuate their sunbathing bodies. Both girls were blessed with natural beauty. Lori, at 45, had maintained a long and lean figure that rivalled her youthful daughters' and she, too, gave thought to her wardrobe and beachwear.

The trip involved flight by major airline to an airport in the Caribbean where the family rendezvoused with Pat and Vanna. There they boarded a seaplane with the Sandals logo affixed to the fuselage. The seaplane trip was a first for all but Pat and Vanna, but was exciting nonetheless and the hour--long trip passed quickly. After a bumpy landing on crystal clear ocean water, the plane taxied to a long dock that extended out from white sand beaches and swaying palm trees. Excitement continued to build as the dapper, uniformed attendants strode briskly to the plane and its passengers.

"Welcome to Sandals Only", was the British-accented greeting from the attendant in a uniform that seemed to indicate some supervisory capacity to those unloading the luggage onto a cart.

"Did he say 'Sandals Only?'" Megan inquired of Annie as they walked along the dock toward what appeared to be a welcome center. Megan had done considerable research on the resort hoping to take advantage of all its amenities during their stay but was unaware of any name change.

"I wasn't paying attention. I was enjoying the beauty of the place. Can you even believe we are here?" Annie responded with a question of her own.

Michael and Lori were leading the parade of visitors flanking Vanna as they walked. Pat was lagging behind in conversation with those who had greeted them and toiled with the luggage.

The six making up the Wheel contingent were met by a lovely raven-haired twenty-something woman wearing a tropical print sun dress with a "Sandals Only" logo. This was the first time they saw the altered name in print.

Before anyone could ask, Camilla began:

"Welcome to Sandals Only. You will note the name change. Firstly, the Sandals resort was purchased and ownership changed the first of this month, thus the name change. Secondly, the resort is now a naturist, or nude only, resort, thus the name change." Camilla declared.

"Why weren't we told of this before now!" barked Pat amid the discussions occurring among the family and Vanna.

Knowing that Pat was about to blow his top, Vanna spoke, hoping to salvage the best from the situation.

"Surely those of us not expecting a resort of this type will be allowed to stay and clothed? If not, maybe you can explain what will be expected of us." Vanna searched for a solution.

"Has the seaplane left? I'm not staying under any circumstances." Pat stated as he began pulling bags from the cart searching for his own. Finding his stylish luggage, he started down the dock without another word.

"Well, that will make my decision easier," Vanna remarked.

Annie and Megan giggled as Michael smiled. Lori was in a state of shock.

"May I have a moment with our guests?" Vanna asked Camilla.

'Certainly," Camilla responded as she gave instructions to the attendants to move the luggage into an adjacent room.

"You can do what you like", Vanna began, "I know this is a shock to all, but it's actually happened to us before. Pat stayed on that trip and could not adjust to the lifestyle. He was very self-conscious about his....body, let's say, and he had trouble with, shall we say, unexpected arousal. He swore he would never do it again, whereas, I had a very good time. Being nude comes very naturally to some."

"Lori and I have some experience as well." Michael interjected.

"Michael! We were not to share that with the girls" Lori exclaimed.

"Oh, Lori, the girls are very much adults now and not much younger than when we were nude for a week at that resort in northern Indiana." Michael continued, "And unless we intend to sleep on the dock, we might as well strip!" he added as the roar of the seaplane overhead punctuated his assessment of their situation.

"You know, Mom, you look pretty damn good in the nude, and I can assure you, this will not be Megan's and my first time strutting our stuff on a beach," Annie admitted to her astonished parents.

"I think we've made our decision," Vanna stated hoping to end this series of revelations. "Camilla? Where do we go from here?"

Listening to the conversation from the other room, Camilla instructed the bellmen to begin the trek through the palms toward the resort proper. She then guided the others into a small room and without comment, slipped her sundress from her body.

"Your adventure begins here. Other than hourly staff, all people beyond this point must be wearing 'sandals only'," she smiled.

Vanna was the first to disrobe, displaying a slim, and model like body with medium sized breasts standing proudly. Michael recalled seeing a portfolio of Vanna in a men's magazine from years ago. He had revisited the photos in preparation for this trip. She had maintained a tantalizing youthful appearance with an unexpected full complement of golden pubic hair.

Annie and Megan giggled as they joined Vanna in the buff. Both girls wore sexy but unrevealing undergarments. Neither had large breasts, but both were well-proportioned with hour glass figures and bubble butts. Their protruding nipples suggested either arousal or nervousness, but they were eye-catching in their prominence. Michael noticed that Vanna's nipples had reached a new length upon seeing the girls in the raw.

Despite a hardening cock inspired by Vanna and, embarrassingly, the sight of his daughters, Michael was next to meet the resort's dress code. Off came his golf shirt displaying a hairless chest with well-developed pecs. Vanna stared as she anticipated what lie beneath Michael's Bermuda shorts. Without hesitation, Michael removed his shorts and boxers revealing a perfectly shaven pubic area and a slightly stiff seven or so inches.

Vanna spoke first, "Lori, I'm sorry, but that's one good-looking man you have there."

Without thinking, the girls chimed in, "Wow, Dad!".

"Megan and Annie," Lori erupted, "That is your father!"

"Mom, we are standing here naked. I think the mom and dad rules might be suspended for now. Nice cock, Dad," Megan added to make her point.

It was now time for Lori to join the fun. She was one of four sisters who had been raised in a very conservative home. All four were beautiful and one had been a fashion model. Lori was the least conservative of the siblings, but she kept her wild streak, as short and narrow as it was, to herself. The nude experience that she and Michael had kept to themselves until now was more than just a nude experience. Before the girls were born, Lori and Michael had also gone on a cruise. It was a nude cruise and involved swinging. Both Michael and Lori had enjoyed other partners and Lori had spent one evening with another woman. They enjoyed the cruise but knew it could not be shared in their rural small town. After Annie left for college, they repeated the cruise and had another enjoyable lifestyle experience. All of her experiences were coming back to her as five nude people including her daughters, husband and Vanna White, stood around her awaiting her disrobing..

After two children, Lori's once impressive boobs were smaller, but her areola and rosy nipples had lost little. She proudly pulled her tube top over her head allowing her 34C breasts to fall freely. She had been in the vacation spirit and dispensed with bras for this trip. Expecting commentary from her girls, she was shocked to hear nothing from them as she tossed her top onto the growing pile of clothes. Both Megan and Annie were impressed and displayed looks of pride upon seeing their topless mother.

Vanna spoke: "Lori, I like what I see. No wonder your girls are as gorgeous as they are. Keep going, honey, I want to see the rest." Vanna licked her lips.

Lori, emboldened by the admiration, looped her thumbs into the waist of her yoga pants and pulled them to her ankles and was now covered by nothing more than a G-string.

"Mom!" exclaimed the girls in unison as Megan added, "You are fucking hot!!" using language seldom heard in the family home.

The G-string left little to the imagination, a classic ass and a recently waxed pubic area. Whether Lori was unaware of the required nudity or not, she was well prepared and was second to none in the beautiful body department. Dispensing with the G-string, Lori stood proudly among all in the room.

Lori, Camilla and Vanna led the way though the palms followed by Annie and Megan with Michael following behind enjoying the view. As the expanse of the resort unfolded before them, the new guests gasped in awe of the beauty of the facility with the five nude women adding their charms to the aesthetics.

Megan and Annie were led to their bungalow first. They squealed as they toured their accommodations. Vanna was then shown her bungalow. She smiled as she walked throughout the rooms but failed to hide her disappointment. Lori wrapped her arms around Vanna's naked torso and asked if everything was okay.

"I hate staying alone at a place this exciting." Vanna admitted as she followed Lori, Michael and Camilla to the last of the cabins.

As the Wheel winner, Lori and Michael were provided the finest of the accommodations. With two large bedrooms with king beds, Lori was quick to suggest that Vanna stay with them.

"Let's bring her luggage here," Lori commanded and a smile grew across Vanna's face. Michael also showed his pleasure with the arrangement as his cock twitched approvingly.

"I'm not going to need my clothes." Vanna added.

The long day of travel led to an exhausted group of travelers. As Lori and Michael prepared for bed, Lori expressed her desire to get to know Vanna and went to thank her for being so supportive in light of the revelation that the resort was all nude.

The following morning, Michael found himself alone in bed as the sun rose along the eastern side of the island. He passed Vanna's room as he walked through the bungalow and saw Lori and Vanna with their nude bodies interlocked. He smiled and went to make a pot of coffee. As he enjoyed his first cup, he sat on the patio and greeted the various vacationers and resort personnel as they passed. He recognized the girls' voices coming along the footpath and again felt his cock stir in anticipation of his nude daughters coming into view.

Megan and Annie had made friends. Walking along with them were two men who appeared to be in their thirties and two women of the same age. They were introduced as the girls' next door neighbors, husbands and wives, who had graduated from a small Midwestern college at which the girls had friends. Michael recalled reading that the school was very socially liberal.

As Michael admired the curvy bodies and round titties of the ladies, he was equally impressed by the long cocks swinging from the men. The introductions were interrupted as Vanna and Lori stepped onto the porch.

"That's Vanna White!" the new friends exclaimed in near unison.

"One and the same" Vanna declared as she graciously shook each of their hands as the men gawked at the beauty from head to toe.

"You are more beautiful than you are on TV." One of the as yet nameless males stated.

"Why, thank you." Vanna said as she pirouetted for all to see her from 360 degrees with her nipples as long as Michael had seen them and her ass perfectly presented.

The three men were all displaying their to break the ice, or heat, as it were, Michael offered bloody Mary's and everyone accepted.

The bar was stocked with the finest of everything with mixes to match. Drinks were flowing all around when Megan declared that she was inebriated and that she would be taking her clothes off if she was wearing any. Everyone laughed including her parents. With another pitcher mixed, the nine of them squeezed into the hot tub and continued to talk and imbibe. The new-found friends, finally introduced as Katie, Ryan, Scott and Kristin, revealed that they were swingers and commenced telling some of their swinging adventures. Megan and Annie were in awe of each of the adventures and grasped the legs of the men sitting next to them to steady their reactions.

With more than a few drinks in her system, Lori had no inhibitions in sharing her swinging experiences aboard the cruise ship including the night she ate pussy and scissored a woman to orgasm for the first time. As the beautiful mother elaborated on the ecstasy of strange encounters and fucking other men, all hands had disappeared below the surface of the bubbling water servicing self and neighbors alike.

"No wonder you were so good in bed last night, Lori!" Vanna revealed as every mouth fell agape at this revelation.

"I was inspired by your naked body and the others I had seen yesterday, including my daughters" Lori offered.

"I need a shower." Michael declared as he rose from the tub, making no effort to hide a raging boner.

"May I join you?" asked Vanna as she removed Ryan's and Scott's hands from her pussy in order to stand.

"Certainly!" Lori answered on behalf of her husband and Vanna and Michael strode off toward the back of the bungalow. Lori followed them into the house, grasping the empty pitcher along the way and asking, "Who's ready for another drink?"

A chorus of "Me!" echoed in response as hands moved from pussy to cock and back again beneath the bubbles.

While Lori enjoyed playing with two strange cocks and having them play with her, Vanna White washed every inch of Michael's body as he worshipped the totality of this television personality. When they finished, Megan and Annie enjoyed a refreshing shower with Scott and Ryan, taking turns sucking their cocks and relishing the talented tongues on their young clits.

Lori, Kristin and Katie cooled off with a dip in the nearby pool then found their way to one of the king beds to enjoy lapping at each other's cunt and ass while tweaking each other's clit to noisy orgasms heard throughout the resort it seemed. When all had been refreshed and satisfied, Vanna called Camilla and asked her to join the fun after serving as photographer for a group picture to send to Pat. She added a provocative pose of herself with the caption "Sandals Only".

That evening Camilla joined Lori while Vanna took Michael's cock into her tight pussy. Megan and Annie joined the thirty somethings for a night full of fucking and sucking.

* * * * *

When Vanna returned to the studio after the Sandals Only adventure, she was expecting the third degree from Pat. It did not happen. A few weeks went by and the show continued its popularity as was the case with Pat and Vanna.

'You know today is National Nude Day" Pat remarked before the taping of the show on July 14.

"I'm surprised you would know that, Pat;" Vanna responded with curiosity.

"Well, I do." was the only thing Pat said.

A noisy audience greeted the co-hosts, and the contestants were very competitive. When the show arrived at the vacation prize, the announcer said:

"Today's vacation package is ten days at the private isle of Sandals Only. The winners will find this to be a unique experience like none other offered by Wheel of Fortune. As an added bonus, Vanna will be joining you on the trip to Sandals Only to expose you to her, uh, its charms."

Pat winked at Vanna; Vanna blushed as her pussy leaked her excitement."


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